Fixed deposit rates for each and every bank have reached to a good level and it has become quite difficult for the individuals to go with the right one. The one bank hat has been steady in its pace and in line with other banks is SBI and SBI fixed deposit rates too vary from 6% to 10 % depending on the tenure you have opted for investment. There are options to open an account with a mere of a Rs 1000 for 7 days that goes up to 10 years.
Make use of the calculators that SBI have deployed to their websites nowadays and see how much you can be benefited from a definite amount for a particular period of time.
Summary: SBI Fixed deposit rates have reached to a all time high and are in line with other nationalized and private banks.
Make use of the calculators that SBI have deployed to their websites nowadays and see how much you can be benefited from a definite amount for a particular period of time.
Summary: SBI Fixed deposit rates have reached to a all time high and are in line with other nationalized and private banks.